About Us
A Group with a Common Passion
Thousand Oaks African Violet Society is a small but enthusiastic group of people who join together to share their love of African Violets and other gesneriads. Our purpose is to provide a genial and informative gathering, so that everyone may better enjoy the beauty that these wonderful plants add to our homes. When you decide to join us, you too will gain access to various events and, most importantly, to a group of like-minded individuals who are just as passionate as you are.
Thousand Oaks African Violet Society was founded in 1981. We are affiliated with the African Violet Society of America, Inc. (AVSA), and the African Violet Council of Southern California.
The African Violet Society of America (AVSA) is the official international governing body for all things pertaining to African violets. Learn more by visiting its website: https://africanvioletsocietyofamerica.org/